People enjoyed watching the lead actors splash tomatoes at each other in the recent Bollywood flick Zindagi na Milegi Doobara. Due to this, the festival, about which very few people in India were aware, has suddenly found fans amongst large number of people, specially youth. If you are one of them and craving to be a part of this fun filled festival, stop dreaming! You do not need to dig deep into your pocket or plan a trip to Spain for this though. The festival has made its way to Goa in form of Sundown Tomatina Festival.
The Sundown Tomatina Festival is scheduled to take place on Nov 5 and will mesmerise all for two days. The main festival will continue for 12 hours while the rest of the time will be occupied by live events and shows. Famous national and international bands will keep up the spirit of the festival and will make sure that there isn't a dull moment during the fest. The fest is not organised by the tourism department of Goa and is an initiative from the Magnum Opus Films of Mumbai.
All those wanting to be part of this festival should book a tour to Goa now!