I have been lazy most of last year, but this year, I have been pushing myself to wake up and head out for walks in the morning. And the motivation is a spotted owlet that greets me with a scowl whenever I chance upon it on my early walks. The owlet and I are half asleep but we spend a few moments gazing at each other, it looks down at me and makes a face and I grin at it.
On my birthday however, I took a few photographs of the bird and I found out there were two of them , probably nesting in that little hollow of theirs. Only one posed for me, that too rather reluctantly, while the other flew away.
I decided not to disturb them again by taking pictures, but we still greet each other every morning .
I saw it today as well on my morning walk and it did come out and sun itself on the branch for a while before disappearing into its home