Multimedia For Photographers

I'm a chronic procrastinator...not on everything, but on certain tasks I need the specter of looming deadlines to kick me into a frenzy of activity.

So I'm quite pleased with myself at having completed a full overhaul of my Multimedia For Photographers lecture that'll be presented during my imminent The Sacred Cities Photo Expedition-Workshop which is to take place in Varanasi and Vrindavan.

Consisting of over 50 slides (estimated length is two hours at least), the lecture will provide the group of photographers in the workshop the abstract and practical tools to make quick work of slide show production, using their own images and audio generated in the field, to produce a cogent photo story under the simulation of publishing deadlines.

Since this task is now completed, I can focus on prepping my gear, and deciding whether to add my Leica and its lenses to the other three cameras or not. The Leica is certainly allergic to "gulal", the colored powder used during Holi festivities.